Developed hand in hand with breeders, the new Easy-LIT electric scarifier has been designed to allow you to maintain your litter without noise, without dust, without lifting the equipment and on your own without risking injury to the poultry. Thanks to Easy-LIT, simplify the maintenance of the litter
Your farm
- Broiler breeders
- Turkey breeders
- Layers hens
- Commercial turkey
Fact sheet
- Dimensions > Width 700 mm x Length 823 mm x Height 481 mm – Working witdth of the rotating tool : 600 mm
- Autonomy > 2 hours – Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries
- Motor Power > 200 W
- Recharge time > 10 hours for a fully drained battery
- Weight > 35 kg
- Indicator > Battery level
- Protection and sealing > Dust, amonia, and water resistant (please do not use a high pressure washer!)
- User safety > “Dead man’s handle” in case the operator falls or faints
- Equipment safety > Controlled motor/circuit breaker to stop immedialty in case the tool hits the ground (protecting both the concrete slab and the monitor)

Make an appointment with one of our experts.
We’ll look at your situation together.
Your building’s layout, breeding issues, type of breed, financing, etc. We are at your disposal to advise you on how to put the electric scarifier onto your farm.
Contact us