Maintain your litter and improve your technical performance!
As a professional in the broiler industry, you need to find solutions to keep your poultry moving and ensure the quality of your litter in a time of de-medication and consideration for animal welfare.

More productivity, less mental load
The breeder’s objective is for the batch to achieve the required performance in terms of animal welfare, weight, consumption index while respecting economic constraints.
The XO robot comes to accompany the breeder on a daily basis in order to achieve its performance while reducing its mental load.
Fewer illnesses, a higher added value
An extremely regulated and standardized sector, poultry farming and more particularly the breeding of broiler chickens requires great rigor in terms of biosecurity. The XO robot helps to establish hygiene and disinfection gestures with precision, in particular via the nebulization module integrated into the robot or the non-necessity of human presence inside the building.
Your well-being and that of your animals
As we know, the poultry sector requires time, physical effort and a lot of adaptation (specific requests from groups, changes in batches, etc.). The XO robot will come to relieve breeders of both their physical and mental workload.